Thursday, February 22, 2007


Assalamu alaykum
Alhamdulilah I had an Al Kauthar charged day over the weekend! Wow what a week its been!
Mashallah we had a brilliant Al Kauthar day! House packed, sisters fired up, knowledge flowing, we were all in gear for a day of Al Kauthar experience! Inviting some old Al Kauthar students and bringing them to meet other sisters who haven't been to the course (yet!) was a brilliant way to get personal experience from sisters together and to get them to give their own personal twist to what they found most beneficial. Not to mention the side issue of chocolate fountain and food galore, that went down well (but no mango lassi! :( ) Mashallah I cant wait to have another one!
It left everyone on a knowledge high!
During the DOD course we went through 7 hadith in great detail, some of the topics that the hadith touch upon are simply amazing, we went through Intentions, Hadith Jibraeel alahisalam (levels of Islam, Emaan and Ehsaan), deviant groups, signs of the hour, applications of fiqh, Pillars of Islam, 7 conditions of Shahada, Pillars of Emaan, importance of Salah, predestination and its pillars, example of the pious and impious predecessors, Bidah, and public speaking. Subhnallah it was one weekend which change all our lives.
In the Al Kauthar day we had sisters talking about what they benefited most from. The sister who started, Mashallah a great sister from Revert2Reality. She began with what she wanted out of the weekend seminar, she didn't just want a temporary emaan bosst which normally occurs after a small talk or lecture, sh wanted something that would change her life forever. By the grace and mercy of Allah that is exactly what happened, we all were affected. She continued to talk about what affected her the most, Qadr.
The fourth hadith we covered was and still is the most important hadith, one of which holds dear to the one who is truthful.
Abu 'Abd al-Rahman 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported: The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, the most truthful, the most trusted, told us:
"Verily the creation of any one of you takes place when he is assembled in his mother's womb; for forty days he is as a drop of fluid, then it becomes a clot for a similar period. Thereafter, it is a lump looking like it has been chewed for a similar period. Then an angel is sent to him, who breathes the ruh (spirit) into him. This Angel is commanded to write Four decrees: that he writes down his provision (rizq), his life span, his deeds, and whether he will be among the wretched or the blessed.
I swear by Allah - there is no God but He - one of you may perform the deeds of the people of Paradise till there is naught but an arm's length between him and it, when that which has been written will outstrip him so that he performs the deeds of the people of the Hell Fire; one of you may perform the deeds of the people of the Hell Fire, till there is naught but an arm's length between him and it, when that which has been written will overtake him so that he performs the deeds of the people of Paradise and enters therein."
[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
The last part of the hadith explains when Qadr overtakes a person, no matter what. There are reminders for us all here, that none of us has a guarantee, we have no guarantee, no one amongst us is guaranteed. Do you know if you are headed for Jannah or Jahanum? This is something we should contemplate upon daily, hourly, something which should be on our minds constantly, we are not guaranteed! Allah has said in the Quran, that some of us are headed for the fire! In one narration when Umar Radiatalaunhu heard this hadith he actually fainted, what impact this one hadith has, see its importance.
Sufyan at Thawri said: Has the knowledge of Allah about you ever made you cry?
Think about that for a moment, Allah has knowledge over everything, He knows you, He knows your actions, They is closer to you then your jugular vein! In this big wide world, we are but a speck but we are an important speck (as the beautiful sister said in her reminder) although we are a small speck upon this Earth our importance is shown in the mere fact that Allah has knowledge about us, He knows where we came fro0m, what we are doing what we have done and most importantly where we are headed!
Has the fact that Allah already knows if we r headed for Jannah or jahanum, has that fact ever made you cry, the uncertainly of it?
The question about the future, something we should constantly ask ourselves, which group are we from, the group for Paradise or the group for Hell!
The hadiths are the sources of our iman (faith), knowledge, and guidance as we are taught by the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam. Studying and understanding the Hadiths will activate our insight (basirah), enlighten our hearts, and uplift our souls. This will by the help of Allah, lead us and keep us on the right path to the end, inshaAllah.
Subhnallah what a course, Al Kauthar truly does enrich lives through knowledge! Miss the next one at your own peril!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Route of all EVIL?

Assalamu alaykum


Time spent with sisters who have yet to see the full extent of the world and those who inhabit it, is often spent discussing the lack of 'pious brothers' on the other hand many boys trying to be men discuss the fact that there are no sisters out there who will be right for them. More often then not these discussions lead to belittleing and often misrepresenting those of the opposite sex.


Now of course I am limited in what I can speak about due to some lack of ecperience, however what I do know is this.. people who have high expections are often in for disappointment. Now more then ever people are looking for what people can do for them rather then what they can do for others. This is a symptoms that as indiviuals we are guilty of in our own communities, its appling and disheartening. Somthings I have heard, Subhnalah just makes me want to scream... Women are not the route of all evil you know!!


I am just fed up of the critisinging and degrading that happend on more often daily and more frequenty then i would have hoped.


We, both Men and Women are equal in the sight of Allah, we are slaves just like each other, we have emotions, we have an intellect a voice a mind, we have strengths and weaknesses, we are human, we are not the route of all evil, if this was true, well then so are men because women were created from the rib of a man.


We are just so demanding! Men and women both are always striving to get what they need, in reality it is usually something that we want! The most prominate example of this is I need to get married or I need a husband with this that and the other, usually giving a hundred and one vital qualities. In reality our egos trick us to think that we need many things that the nafs wants. Expecting the best is natuaral (I use the term very lightly), who wants to settle for anything less, but think about the pressures that we see facing ourselves as women, as muslims, as daugters and as wives. We are very quick to say that "oh but why are others being picky" and "why cant they just see that we are human". Well then, wouldnt that apply to others, and not just ourselves. Do not let our nafs delude us in anyway. We want, we are demanding in things that we can and should not be dewling too much on.


When we falls into the traps of our nafs we undermine the respect of Allah's commandments and submission. We must humble ourselves infront of our Rabb. In salah we humble that most high part of our body, and we humble it to the heart, in sajood it becomes the highest part. We remember Allah using the heart, limbs, and tongue in total devotion. If we turn our hearts and tongue to Allah, Allah will turn to us and lift the veil bewteen man and his Rabb in order for us to converse with The Creator the Most High.


“Pay attention to Allaah and He will pay attention to you.”


This is the purpsose of man's creation.


In prayer Allah has placed the most perfect degree of servenship (al-ubudiyya) And seek help in patience and prayer [al-Baqarah 2:45]


The one who seeks to see the Face of Allah, Shaytaan will come to him through his desires, the ego, and make man neglegent of his worship. Shaytaan knows the part of man and plays on an individual's desires, taking the nafs wants as the primary focus. The Salaf always used to keep a little bit of hunger, why is this? So that the nafs will be preocupied with fulfilling the need of hunger, once this need is fulfilled the nafs would turn to other desires to be fulfilled, and may start wanted haram.


Eat and drink, but waste not by extravagance [al-A’raaf 7:31]


So better to keep the nafs busy with halal rather then to tempt haram.If the nafs is preocupied then the person can direct his other attention to good, for the search for knowledge, to give sadakah and in worship of Allah.


And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best provision is al-taqwa (piety, righteousness) [al-Baqarah 2:197]


By no means shall you attain al-birr (righteousness) until you spend (in Allaah’s cause) of that which you love [Aal ‘Imraan 3:92]


When the soul commands towards evil, Allah puts the soul at peace, when the sould is tempted with evil, Allah restrains man from it, when the soul restrians man from good, Allah commands us to do it.


And yet, I am not trying to absolve myself: for, verily, man's inner self does incite [him] to evil, and saved are only they upon whom my Sustainer bestows His grace. Behold, my Sustainer is much forgiving, a dispenser of grace!" Surah Yusuf:53


Ibn al-Qayyim said: “Jihaad is of four stages: jihaad al-nafs (striving against the self), jihaad al-shayaateen (striving against the shayaateen or devils), jihaad al-kuffaar (striving against the disbelievers) and jihaad al-munaafiqeen (striving against the hypocrites).


Jihaad al-nafs means striving to make oneself learn true guidance, and to follow it after coming to know it, calling others to it, and bearing with patience the difficulties of calling others to Allaah. Jihaad al-Shaytaan means striving against him and warding off the doubts and desires that he throws at a person, and the doubts that undermine faith, and striving against the corrupt desires that he tries to inspire in a person. Jihaad against the kuffaar and munaafiqeen is done in the heart and on the tongue, with one’s wealth and oneself. Jihaad against the kuffaar mostly takes the form of physical action, and jihaad against the munaafiqeen mostly takes the form of words… The most perfect of people are those who have completed all the stages of jihaad. People vary in their status before Allaah according to their status in jihaad.”(Zaad al-Ma’aad 3/9-12)


Subhnallah if i remember correctly someone described it so beutifully.... People think that they want a husband but that void in their hearts can olny be filled by Allah and in His rememberence.


I know so many people who are in love... and the funny thing is there is no one in their lives, in fact they are in love with being in love! It sounds sooo silly beacuse it is! Like a very knowlegdeble sisters said, we waste so much time waiting to get married, we think too much about something that has alreday been written. "The pen has lifted and the ink has dried" so why make yourself crazy about what will happen when its alreday in motion and will happen, by the will of Allah, its His Qadr.


We look into our desires and our base nafs so much that we forget the perpose of creation in ibadat of Allah! How can we forget The One who created us!


Woman was made from the rib of man,

She was not created from his head to top him,

Nor form his feet to be stepped upon,

She was made from his side to be close to him,

From beneath his arm to be protected by him,

Near his heart to be loved by him.


And Allaah knows best.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My companion

Those who have left. Those to come.
Our paths crossed once before. Yet to cross again.
By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have
Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the
mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and
Constancy. Those righteousness of my glory
days. Gone, but merely memories
thinking of you my dear sis.
In that cage which is
only too small to
hold your

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

IOG book review (short)

Assalamu alaykum,


This is well overdue, I did a book review for a site so I thought I'd put it up here as well, I have some notes to add to it, but I have yet to finish writting them up, so it'll be on here when it is. Inshallah




The invocation of God is a translation of al- Wabil al sayyib. The author says, ‘ We have mentioned (in it) nearly one hundred benefits of remembrance of God (dhikr), and the secrets of remembrance. This is a book of great usefulness.’


Written in the fourteenth century by the renowned theologies Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyya rahiamullah, this treatise movingly details the many blessings of the remembrance of God. Through discussions of the ego, the nature of the body, the ephemerality of the world, the degrees of prayer, fasting, charity and the purification of the heart. This truly is a contribution to the Muslim’s spirituality.



I began reading this book with obvious great expectations due to whom it was written by. As with all Ibn Qayyims writings rahiamullah, the set tone and language used is eloquent and simple. Although this was translation of the book he wrote, the underlying personality of this great scholar is still vibrant and lifts the words off the page and enters your heart.


The actual book is divided into four parts; The Paths to Happiness; A commentary on the Hadith of al-Harith al-Ashari; The many benefits of Remembrance and The Kinds of Remembrance.


Part One sets the tone for the rest of the book, describing what is going to be discussed within the book, Ibn Qayyim Rahiamullah affirms the reasons why it is a must for all to be in constant remembrance of our Rabb.


Part two furthers this by discussing the importance of prayer, the three types of hearts and how to obtain the best of heart by cleansing the heart of tarnishes.


Part Three is the one that I liked the most this is because it was the part that I felt I could benefit the most and the one that I could understand the best. This part is further divided into a section that describes the various different benefits that can be obtained by the remembrance of Allah.


In part four the Sheikh describes the two types of remembrance. A short explanations which only lasts a couple of pages but it truly will change the view you have on the worship of Allah.


This book may be best studied with a student of knowledge as sme of the concepts may be hard to grasp at first, but its absoultly mind blowing once you understand it Subhnallah! If you truly wish to change the direction your heart is going towards then read the Invocation of God, by Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyya, Rahimmaullah.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Dua, to remember

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatuallah
Beautiful Dua Video by Mishari Rashid Al-Efasy, taken from 21st Century Crusaders (Green 72 Media).

Friday, February 02, 2007

The mystery of the mind.

Assalamu alaykum
Just came back from work (feet ache ow!)... was just contemplating on today's every adventurous day at the place I work (I work in retail part time!... scary!).
It was a bit weird today (more so then usual), as I was working I hear whispers of my name being mentioned, I look up and hear it again..hmm I think whats this about... I make eye contact she looks down then up and says in a sheepish voice, oh we were just saying that we're going to hell, you'll be going to heaven! HUH??!?!?? whats this, I have been given my book in my right hand by a couple of my work colleagues!?! Ya Allah! As I think of it now it would have been an ideal opportunity for da'wah, but my mind was spinning.. I was thinking a million things in my head, how can someone say that they will be going to HELL and just laugh it off and at the same time recognise that someone else would be going to heaven yet seemingly not give a second thought.
Yes its obvious - I walk into work head to toe in black flowing material whilst the others,.. well lets just say no one notices me compared to them! (Alhamdulilah!) - its obvious I am a Muslim, but what is it that people recognise the good in us that yes there may be a point to wearing 'all that material' and praying every break time, there actually may be a reason why men don't treat me like they treat the other girls at work. But yet where does this thought process lead? What conclusion do they make... I wounder what goes on in their minds...
The same day brought conversations of "how strict my parents were" when they spoke about boyfriends! Ya Allah give me strength! In a typical manner I just turned the question around, and after a while said that "I'm probably more strict then my parents!" That did it, the look on their faces as they say "you can have a boyfriend but you choose not too" WOW!!!! That wasnt the case, but they choose to think that. They actually said if I like men and "do you go for them"... hmm wounder what they are trying to imply! :O
Needless to say I couldn't wait to get out of that conversation, khair, it was a busy day and Allah took me out of that. Alhamdulilah.
As I sit here I wounder how next to approach them to give em the dawah power treatment :D. Its strange though because some people its really easy to give the message to but with others it just feels there is no hope and I just feel I cant get through to them.
The mystery of the mind, May Allah guide them, Oh Turner of hearts give mercy upon those who You have guided and create softness and love for Your deen in those hearts who You deem to be worthy.
Ah I have to revise got an exam tomorrow on "Drops of Dew", glimpses of my notes and thought coming soon Inshallah!
Til next time.. keep on deenin'

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Voice Within

the heart feeling heavy
eyes wet with the tears of its tenderness
painful sorrow,
painful heart.
the stories of what has passed
bruising the heart so soft
painful sorrow,
painful heart.
without a shed of tear
all alone with no one to bear
painful sorrow,
painful heart.
hearts illuminate
only with the will of The One
painful sorrow,
painful heart.
easing the sorrows of past heartbreak
no joy in the heart of the dead
painless sorrow,
painless heart.
as The One brings noor
the heart shines bright
painless sorrow,
painless heart.
heart beat once again
polishing the sins of the past
painless sorrow,
painless heart.
no one to turn to, shout a shallow call
except the One who hears all
painless sorrow,
painless heart.
Oh Lord bring us with hearts so clear
bring us close to The One we hold so dear.
painless sorrow,
painless heart.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I Died the Day I Did not Defend Others

Assalamu alykum Im sure everyone knows about this by now, but I thought I'd put all the video responses together. . A reply by Yasir Qadhi to the 'Despatches: Undercover Mosques' programme. . Dispatches Undercover Mosque Reply by Dr. Bilal Philips . A video response from Abu Usamah to the allegations made by Channel 4 Dispatches(1 of 4) . A video response from Abu Usamah to the allegations made by Channel 4 Dispatches(2 of 4) . A video response from Abu Usamah to the allegations made by Channel 4 Dispatches (3 of 4) . A video response from Abu Usamah to the allegations made by Channel 4 Dispatches (4 of 4)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Search for the Muslim inside yourself

Assalamu alaykum
Mashallah I have had the ability to meet many sisters during this last week, many old faces and many new ones. Talking to them and listening to their views on life and the world gave me the opportunity to analyse myself and how I treat sisters differently, of course we are but human and we will treat different people differently, an auntie wouldn't get the same banter as a old college mate, or a sister who has much knowledge wouldn't be at the same level as a sister still doing their GSCE's and still coming into deen. But I wounder how much of this do we use to 'judge' people.
Its a sorry state of affairs when we find ourselves looking down at certain sisters who look different, act different or speak differently. Its saddening to think we are at a time when people are judged by the length of their hijab and their beard. Its scary to see sisters shunning others who don't wear the 'correct hijab'. We analyse people when they pray salah, and think to ourselves "Oh that sister moved her finger, astagfarullah no way will I talk to her" or "That bro hasn't got his trousers high enough.. ahhh and to think I was gonna ask him round for some biryani!" What ever happened to the Sisterhood and brotherhood we as a ummah pride ourselves on?
I must admit I have fallen into this myself, yes you do have to judge a little especially if you are to be taught by a sister or brother, you need to be careful who you take the Deen from. And its known that first impressions are vital, we usually 'judge' people in the first 5 minutes we meet them. Remember 95% of communication is non verbal! (Remember that when people come round sisters!!).
we may find ourselves in a position that we have to judge or form an opinion on a person or of a situation or issue. In this case our faith, common sense and the fear of Allah should prevail. In such a situation we must be fair, doing justice to the issue at hand, not letting our naffs, whims or desires take precedence over our common sense and taqwa, it is from Islam to be fair.
"Allah does command you to render back your trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between man and man, that you judge with justice..." (Quran 4:58)
I wounder though how much do we look at others and how much do we actually look into our own hearts. I know a sister Mashallah may Allah protect hr. She said to me one time that she was getting so scared to do anything, she was scared about her deeds and was scared about how low her Emaan was getting. I asked her why she felt like this, she said she looked into her heart TOO MUCH, she was analysing everything she did, she would always stop and look into her heart all the time.. Subhnallah how I wished to be in her shoes, how I wished we were all more like her, what a admirable characteristic to have, if only we all did this, if only we all looked into our own hearts first before we judged others and before we decide how 'religious' someone is, look and analyse our own hearts, I think you may be surprised by what you find, I surely was!
Remembering the words of Allah...
"And among the best of you are those who have the best attitude (towards others" (Quran 68:4)
This is also emphasised in the words of our beloved Rasool salahi walyhiwasalam
"The best of people in his attitude towards others" (Bukhari and Muslim)
Be the Muslim women and men of good character, noble traits, friendly, gentle in manners and in speech, respectful to old and playful to the young, tactful in giving advice and humble when receiving it.
"Nothing will weigh more heavily in the balance of the believing servant on the Day of Resurrection than a good attitude (towards others). Verily Allah hates those who utter vile words and obscene speech." (Tirmidi)
Four Principles for a Noble Character by Shaykhul Islaam
Shaykhul Islaam Ibnul Qayim
“It is not imagined that one can have noble character except if it is founded upon four pillars:
~The First: Sabr (Patience)
~The Second: 'Iffah (Chastity)
~The Third: Shujaa'ah (Courage)
~The Fourth: Adl (Justice)
Patience, inspires him to be tolerant, control his anger, endure the harms that he receives from others, to be forbearing and deliberate in his decisions. It motivates him to be gentle and not to be rash or hasty.
Chastity, inspires him to avoid every imprudent characteristic, whether in statement or action, and encourages him to have a sense of modesty and integrity which is the epitome of all good. It prevents him from fornication, stinginess, lying, backbiting and spreading tales to cause separation and discord between the people.
Courage, inspires him to have a sense of self esteem, to emphasize high and noble manners and to make it apart of his natural disposition. It also encourages him to exert himself and to be generous, which is in essence, true courage and it leads to strong will and self determination. It encourages him to distance himself from his ardent lowly desires, to control his anger, and to be forbearing because by such, he can control his temper, take it by the reins and curb his violent and destructive behavior just as the Messenger (Sallahu alaihi wa salam) said:
“The Strong is not the one who can wrestle his opponent to the ground but rather the strong is the one who can control himself when he gets angry.”
This is true genuine courage and it is the sole trait that the slave utilizes to conquer his opponent.
Justice, encourages him to be impartial in his behavior with people and to be moderate between the two extremes of negligence and extremism. It motivates him to be generous and kind which is the middle course between absolute degradation and arrogance, and to make this apart of his disposition and makeup. It encourages him to be courageous which is the middle course between cowardice and imprudence, and to be forbearing which is the middle course between extreme unnecessary anger and ignominy.
These four virtuous characteristics are the axis and provenance of all noble manners and the foundation of all repugnant and ignominious characteristics are built upon four pillars:
~The First: Jahl (Ignorance)
~The Second: Dhulm (Oppression)
~The Third: Shahwah (following ones lowly desires)
~The Fourth: Ghadab (Anger)
Ignorance, allows him to view good in the form of evil and evil in the form of good, and to consider that which is complete to be incomplete and that which is incomplete to be complete.
Oppression, causes him to put things in places which are not appropriate for them, so he gets angry when its time to be happy and he is happy when its time to be angry. He is ignorant and hasty when its time to be deliberate and deliberate when its time to be hasty, he is stingy when it is time to be generous and generous when its time to be stingy. He is weak when it is time to be courageous and assume responsibility, and he assumes responsibility when it is time to take a step back (and let someone else undertake the initiative). He is gentle and lenient when it is time to be harsh and firm and he is harsh and firm when it is time to be lenient. He is humble when it is time to be superior and arrogant when it is time to be humble.
Following (his) lowly desires, encourages him to be diligent in obtaining that which the soul ardently desires, to be stingy and greedy. It encourages him to adorn himself with all types of despicable and imprudent characteristics.
Anger, incites him to be arrogant, jealous, envious, to hold enmity of others and to be imprudent and shameless.
The foundation of these four repugnant and blameworthy characteristics are two pillars: Either, Extreme Self ignominy or Extreme Self Pride.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Who would do the honours?

Assalamu alaykum
I must admit, I found it difficult, I thought It'll be all right, I imagined it to be a natural thing to do. Nevertheless the more I want to do it the more I feel inadequate, the more I feel inadequate the less motivated I feel. Never thought I'd feel like this but I did....
Writing letters to detainees, its something I am sure everyone has thought of doing, but maybe questioned as I did, as still do... What can I write about? what do I know about talking to total strangers? Strangely enough I have found it a great way of remembering Allah. When you go through the process of writing an essay you think about an introduction a main body and a conclusion. Much the same a letter, you think how to introduce yourself, how to start the conversation. Then you go into the whole bunch of quoting hadith, dua, and Quranic ayahs, talking about the main point of the letter, saying words of encouragement, echoing the words of Rasool Salahi wa alyhi wasalam when he would say his blessed words of comfort to those who were suffering at the hands of the kufr, the same words he used to make the companions smile, I would try to use to make my sister in Islam, even if it was for a second, for her to smile. Then finally words to depart on, even though you don't know the other person opening your envelope, you feel a connection when you say those final words, a final departing dua. A connection that is strengthened every time you write, every time you seal that envelope. Cant wait for the next one so your connection is revived and strengthened.
Subhnallah what a connection we feel when writing to our sisters, what about the lifetime connection to our Rabb, our salah, every time we pray our connection is revived and the eagerness that should occur ever time the next salah is due, where is that eagerness now.. anyway, I've digressed...
What an honour that is. Making someone in unimaginable conditions, cut off from family friends, sons, daughters, husbands, parents all those who they hold close to their hearts... make them smile, what an honour!
When Salahuddin rode into battle holding the flag of the Shahadah up high, when Umar ibn Khatab (RA) struck fear into the hearts of the disbelievers, when Summayah (may Allah be pleased with her) stood firm against the mushriqs of Makkah, when Asiyah (may Allah be pleased with her) raised her head high and supplicated to her Lord... What was their encouragement, what was in their hearts, what was going through their minds. When our brothers and sisters are detained here or abroad... what did we do?
Who would raise up to the challenge, who would do the honours of making a troubled face of our detainees smile.
I look forward to hearing your experiences of writting to the detainnes :)

Get involved in the cage!

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatuallah
"This ‘Eid, like the last ‘Eid-ul-Fitr, will never be the same without my husband and son. In spite of such a long lapse of time, in which they have been absent from our lives, I still have not got used to them not being around. Every day is a struggle."
Farhat Paracha, wife of Guantanamo detainee Saifullah Paracha
"Sometimes I feel like going out to Bush and saying, ‘What the hell do you think you are doing’? And sometimes I just feel that maybe I should leave it alone"
(Zahra Paracha, 14 year-old daughter of Guantánamo detainee Saifullah Paracha )
"I want you to prepare yourself that you may never see me again" (Jamil El Banna, British resident in Guantanamo Bay)
"Many times I had my dinner in front of me, and Daddy came to my mind and then I could not eat."
(Aisha, daughter of ghost prisoner, Masood Janjua)
"We want to find rest. This is worse than killing. You're killing us slowly day by day."
(Husnah Al Mashtouli, wife of Mahmoud Jaballah, one of Canada's secret trial five)
Get involved in the cage!
Cageprisoners is the most comprehensive detainee information website on the web. Many are in need of cageprisoners and cageprisoners in in need of you! .
To get involved fill out the helpers form attached and email to
They will be having meetings to discuss future events soon so please full out the form as soon as poss if you want to be involved.
Jazakallah khair
Dont forget the Ummah!
ABOUT US is a non-sectarian Islamic human rights website that exists solely to raise awareness of the plight of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and other detainees held as part of the War on Terror. The web-site is not aligned to any Islamic group or organisation. The site was launched in October 2003 during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan by individual Muslim volunteers who came together for the reasons set out below. The inspiration for the web-site came from two other excellent web-sites on the cage prisoners: (in Arabic) and We have the backing of both Muslim and non-Muslim lawyers, activists, former detainees, families of prisoners and academics. Click here to read what some of these individuals had to say about
1. EDUCATE the public by being a comprehensive resource of information on Guantanamo Bay and other detainees held as part of the War on Terror highlighting their plight and ensuring that they are never forgotten.
2. CAMPAIGN for the repatriation or asylum for the Guantanamo Bay detainees in particular and that other prisoners are treated within the civilised norms of justice, and to ensure that they are given their due rights namely:
the right to humane treatment and conditions
the right not to be tortured
the right not to be detained indefinitely
the right not to be disappeared
the right to open fair civilian trials
the right to legal representation
the right of access to the Red Cross and medical personnel
the right of access to their families.
3. SUPPORT their families emotionally and financially via HHUGS
4. MOTIVATE others to take organised political and legal actions on both a local and international level.
5. CO-OPERATE with other individuals and organisations for these ends
6. PREVENT similar treatment of other communities in the future by developing, building and placing political, legal and social infrastructures.
Our work can be summed up in six points:

Monday, January 01, 2007

Eidun Sayeedun! But not for all

Assalamu alaykum
Eid Mubarak all...ok ok better late then never!...but its still the thrid day, so it still counts! oh and as you can probably tell, we didnt go to Hajj. Inshallah next year.. Inshallah
This Eid actually felt like Eid, well at least in my kitchen! Alhamdulilah usually we have to go to peoples houses but becuase everyone was doing eid the day later, they came to ours instead!
Anyway, Hope you all had a good Eid, dont forget those who have yet to receive their qurbani, or those who have no family to share their blessed day with.
What a time to hang sadam!....Inna lilaahi wa inna ilayhi raji’oon. I think we've had enough coverage in the media with him, so I wont say too much. Its sad to see Muslims killing each other, but tragic to see a public execution of a Muslim, by Muslims on the day of Eid.
May Allah save us from the evil of ourselves and the tricks of shaytaan
dont forget the ummah! now more then ever.