Monday, November 13, 2006

Reflecting on Ramadan

Assalamu alaykum


While reading a book ok the bad consequences of the tongue I came across the following


'Ubyda RA the freed slave of the Messenger Salalahi wa alyhi wasalam reported that someone came and showed the Messenger Salalahi wa alyhi wasalam two women who were fasting and siad that they were dying of thirst. The Messenger Salalahi wa alyhi wasalam turned away silently refusing to give permission for them to break their fast. Therefore, the man begged him again mentioning that the women were on the verge of death. The Messenger Salalahi wa alyhi wasalam the said: "Bring them to me nd bring along a bowl." When they came to him, he turned to one and told her to vomit in the bowl. She comlied spitting up a mixture of vomit, blood, pus and pieces of flesh that half filled the bowl. He turned to the other woman and had her do the same. after the bowl was filled, he said,


"Verily these two have fasted what Allah has made halal for them and broke fast from what Allah has made haram. They spent their fast eating the flesh of others." collected by Ahmad and Baihaqi.

(see tafseer suarh al-Hujarat Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips page 105)


Who among us actually completed their fast by gaurding our tongues? Who are the real fasting people? Ibn Rajab al-Hanabli said,


"Those good people are the fearful ones who guard their tongue from evil speech, backbiting abd slaundering. As for tjose who are higher than them yhen, they are Siddiqoon (the truthful ones). They re the ones who actually make their hearts fast such that nothing enters it except love and pleaseure for their Lord. therefore, thier hearts are fasting for Him. I ask Allah to make our hearts like them."


Subhnallah it just made me think about my fasting in Ramadan, has it been excepted, Ya Allah except our humble efforts. The effects of the tongue is so great and so easy to fall into sin, I wounder what its effect has been in Ramadan.


Its been 20 days since Ramadan ended, so I looked at my routine and assesed how much of it has gone back to 'normal' and how much did I really change. I ask you to do the same. Ask yourself, what has changed in my life, do I still have the same khusho, the concentration I had in my salah during those taraweeh prayers in the masjid? Have I gone back to my binge eating ways? Is the Quran put back in its rightful place, high up on the shelf for dust to gather 'til next year? Has my character changed? Have we stopped teaching the children in out lives the importanence of being Muslim.. I wounder... what has changed...


Our Shield of Ramadan has gone, Subhnallah, our beloved Ramadan has passes, how I miss it so much.


Rasoolullah Salalahi wa alyhi wasalam said "Fasting is a shield with which a servant protects himself from the fire" Shahih Hadith, reported by Ahmad


Just as before the gates of hell are open and the Shayteen are let out, and they begin once more to spread mischief on the Earth, and the results are plain to see, the masjuds are empty, the scaves are off or back to the stylish head gear, the beards are shaven off or go back to thier designer hair styles on the chin.


But Alhamdulilah there is still hope, there is still the mercy of Allah which is plain to see, those sisters who have begun to waer hijab (good on you sisters :D), the barakah of are homes is now more vibrant then ever. Mashallah the presece of Allah in our lives and how it can make a persons face light up. That great feeling that you feel in Ramadan, during those long taraweeh salah, the late nights and early morning, all worth it because you earn so much spiritual time, and are now revitailsed for the rest of the year.


Alhamdulilah Ive had my Ramadan recharge.. how was yours :D


Nazia said...

Assalamu Alaikum.

Inshallah, we can all continue to increase our ibadah with ease and gain closeness to Allah(swt). Ameen.

Jazakallah khair for putting our blog up!


bintyaqub said...

Wassalam Nazia

Ameen to your dua :)

Wa iyyaki, Alhamdulilah your blog is very informative and has lots of good posts Mashallah, keep up the good work :D


Nazia said...

Jazakallah khair.
